Aldrin Ho, director of a rehabilitation center, answers your most pressing questions about fitness

Aldrin Ho, director of a rehabilitation center, answers your most pressing questions about fitness

Aldrin Ho is a sports therapist and owner of Ziklag Fitness. They specialise in helping people recover from chronic sports injuries and train them in the most effective manner to reach their goals.


Training intensity is important when working out to reach your goal. How do you achieve and maintain your training intensity?
It is important to keep a record of your numbers (sets, reps and weights) so that you can progressively overload and maintain the intensity if you are looking to improve. 


How do I find what drives me to exercise?
What drives you to exercise has to come from within you. It may be from a pressing health issue or a clear goal that you have. As for me, it is a lifestyle and I do enjoy challenging myself to improve physically and mentally.


How can I enjoy my favourite foods while still achieving my fitness goals?
Watch your macronutrients and count your calories. Use my fitness pal app to record your numbers on a daily basis . Once you know what you are eating and the macronutrient percentages , as well as your calories burnt when exercising, you can have a couple of cheat days to enjoy your favorite foods.


I can’t seem to stick to diets. How can I eat better to achieve my fitness goals.
I don’t believe in diets. I believe in eating quality food which means Whole Foods. As little processed food as possible. You will be surprised that you can lose weight on a positive calorie intake when u eat food which has gone through as little processing as possible.

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Which product on do you like the best?

I am currently on the vege protein powders to hit my protein numbers. I like the taste and it is easy to mix

If you want to find out more about how you can reach your fitness goals and recover faster, visit:


