(Press Release) Singapore has the most ART certified therapists in Asia thanks to this veteran rehab trainer

(Press Release) Singapore has the most ART certified therapists in Asia thanks to this veteran rehab trainer

Aldrin Ho from Ziklag Fitness trains the next generation of rehab trainers.

(For immediate release –2 August 2024) Pioneered in 1984, Active Release Technique (ART) is the fastest and most efficient way of resolving soft-tissue disorders. This patented non-invasive treatment system is precisely engineered to locate and quickly resolve soft-tissue disorders. With over 20,000 ART treatment providers worldwide, Aldrin Ho from Ziklag Fitness stands tallest with the highest level of certification in Singapore.

Always a champion of results, Aldrin has been relieving chronic pain for his patients in Singapore and the world over. An early adopter of ART, he's been invited all over Southeast Asia and beyond to instruct and provide treatment. Over the years, he has greatly helped over 1,000 patients who were living in
pain and/or with a limited range of motion. A quick session of 20-30 minutes of ART vastly improved their quality of life and sporting abilities.

"I started my ART journey back in 2006 after reading the book '4-Hour Body' by Tim Ferriss. It described how the late Charles Poliquin, an ART instructor, helped resolve a shoulder problem in less than 5 minutes by working on an adhesion. Additionally, an acquaintance who attended a Level 1 ART module encouraged me to attend,”
- said Aldrin Ho, Principal Specialist, Ziklag Fitness

With his wealth of experience, Aldrin Ho is looking to train the next generation of ART professionals. This patented treatment system requires an education in anatomy. Those coming in fresh might have a steeper learning curve at the start but are encouraged to apply. ART therapy is useful in multiple industries. Professions that can directly benefit from ART certification may include, Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Personal Trainers, Physiotherapists, Caregivers, Registered Nurses, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Sports Therapists, Chiropractors, Soft-tissue Therapists, and more...

Investing a five-figure down payment to fly in an instructor and certifier directly from ART Headquarters in Colorado Springs, USA to Singapore, Aldrin Ho was initially concerned that he might not make the sign-up numbers. His worries were unwarranted as his latest course was oversubscribed and had to close registrations early.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Aldrin is constantly on the lookout to provide better care for his patients after an ART session using Traditional Chinese Medicines, braces, corrective strength and mobility training. His dedication to results really shows in his many client testimonials.

“Traditional Chinese Medicine is over 2000 years old. It’s based on observational, experimental research and application. When there is an issue, I perform ART on the structures and follow the tension lines, like the meridian lines. For rehabilitation, I encourage my clients to train barefoot to get better feedback into the body, like foot reflexology which connects various organs to points in the foot. I also recommend acupuncture and heat rubs to improve circulation while stretching,”
- expounds Aldrin Ho, Principal Specialist, Ziklag Fitness.


Hassan Sunny, Singapore National Goalkeeper, Nasi Padang Store Owner
“If I do this angle, it’s so much easier.”

Claris Koey, Personal Trainer, Competitive Cheerleader
“It’s looser now. The knot is gone.”

Yao Peng, Master Trainer - Grit Yard, Speed Coach - Maxform
“I’ve been trying to figure out what was going on. Immediately, (I) massaged, foam rolled, stretched. It helped but it’s not like as significant as this (ART treatment). This is like almost immediately (relieved).”

Spark Chen, Fitness Enthusiasts, Events Emcee
“Feels very loose now. My arm can move very freely. And there’s no more tightness. The biggest difference is that there’s no more tightness.”

Book your ART Session here: https://bit.ly/ARTSession


For more information and press enquiries, please contact:
Kegan Tan, Director, Crazybadman.com
PR Agency for this pitch
HP: +94516527 (whatsapp enabled)
Email: Kegant@crazybadman.com

Ziklag Fitness Company Profile
At Ziklag Fitness, our team endeavours to keep up to date with the latest knowledge and have many years of experience in the fitness industry. We not only provide one-to-one personal training, diet advice and pain management therapy sessions, we also conduct seminars to educate people on scientific training methods. Pain management therapy modalities include Active Release Technique (ART) and Remedial Massage.

Speaker Biography
Aldrin Ho, Ziklag Fitness Principal Specialist

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